Love Love
El 15 de enero hice año y medio con mio novio -/////- la verdad es que estoy muy muy feliz y de todos los chicos con los que he estado (si -.-' tuve mi época de... "libertad") es con el que más feliz estoy!
15th of january had been my anniversary with my boyfriend -////- I'm very very happy with him and of all guys I've been (yes -.-' I was a liberty girl) he's the happier I am.
Al ser entre semana no tuvimos tiempo de mucho, fuimos a tomar un café con donut al Loop's y nos hicimos algunas fotos (la mayoría derps).
As it was during the week we didn't have much time, we went to take a coffee and donuts at Loop's and we take some photos (derps time).
lol I didn't remember that many were!